Keep Calm and Market On

March 25, 2020

As we all adapt to the new normal (which changes every day), keeping the lines of communication open with your target audience, employees and community is now more important than ever. As many of our clients shift their business practices virtually overnight, we’ve worked alongside them to craft their messaging around the impact of COVID-19 and a strategy for what lies ahead. What we’ve learned over the past two weeks of social distancing is that if businesses are to survive and thrive, they need to be pliable and use this unprecedented moment in history to increase their communications efforts. Here are some ways we recommend approaching your marketing initiatives during the pandemic. 

Care and Compassion Go a Long Way

Naturally, we are concerned about the health of our employees, clients, partners and communities. Leading with compassion means acknowledging those concerns, expressing empathy and providing proactive strategies and initiatives to help support others through this crisis. Whether it’s a letter from your CEO outlining those initiatives, an employee portal that gives your staff tips and tools for surviving the realities of working from home, or even a social media post to show that you are open for business — it matters. How you respond today shapes how you are perceived in the future.

Refocus Your Marketing

The economic impact caused by COVID-19 is a valid concern. However, rather than focusing on the short-term benefits of cutting back on marketing expenses, businesses need to quickly adapt and refocus their marketing efforts to stay relevant. Use this moment to continue communicating with clients and prospects by acknowledging and addressing their pain points at this critical time. Once we flatten the coronavirus curve, those businesses that were proactive instead of reactive will be remembered. 

Stay Calm and Keep Communicating

With millions of people in our global community sheltering in place, you have a huge opportunity to make your voice heard. Make sure that your message is to the point and demonstrates the value you bring. With all of the new challenges associated with social distancing and remote working, compounded with the unknown repercussions of a global pandemic, your clients need reassurance. Address concerns head-on, clearly communicate how you are in the position to help and, perhaps most importantly, deliver your message calmly and rationally.

Sol is here to help in any way we can as together we navigate this new environment. Stay safe and healthy everyone!


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