20 Years, My Dears

December 23, 2021

Sol is two decades old. If she were a person, she would be in college right now, working hard to see where she can land for good. She’s always cared about making the world a better place, but now she wants to dedicate her life to doing the work: whether through policy, design or poetry (she’s sorting it out). Her favorite part about college: meeting people from all walks of life. For her, it’s always been about the people.


For our 20th anniversary celebration, we are going to lift up the people who have shaped Sol: the partners, clients and employees who have made our business what it is today. When Adam and I started Sol (at the ripe old age of 12!), we spent our first year taking people out to lunch. Because I had just moved back from NYC, my contacts in the ATL were few and far between. We enjoyed a meal and great conversation with anyone who would listen to our vision and be willing to help connect us with folks in their network. What better way to honor these beginnings than with 20 meals for 20 years? Throughout 2022, we are going to take out those who are near and dear to us. From New York to California, we will enjoy great food and conversation with the people who have been with us along the way. We can’t wait to share the journey!


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