She’s homeless. She has no place to rest her head at night. No access to a shower, bathroom or a bed. No stove or dinner table. And, she has children. She needs help, hope and – most importantly – a home. Have you seen her? I have. She’s like me: a mother with children.
Most people can’t put a face to homelessness; they don’t know anyone who is homeless, so there is no recognition. In Atlanta, 40% of the homeless population is comprised of women and children. The face of homelessness in our city is mothers and their children.
Four years ago, I made a commitment to try and combat homelessness and help fellow mothers by joining the board of Initiative for Affordable Housing. Our homeless program currently serves 14 mothers and 23 children. I’m proud to say we’ve successfully provided housing and services to more than 500 women and 1,500 children over the past 25 years. We also provide low-income housing and single family homes to thousands of folks in Atlanta.
To support this great work, in 2009, we started re:loom, a social enterprise that employs ten weavers and will eventually support programs at Initiative. All of Initiative and re:loom’s work is done with a small, committed staff and the support of donors, foundations and the government.
In December of 2015, Initiative for Affordable Housing was notified that as of April 2016 it would lose its HUD funding for its homeless program. This funding has been the lifeblood of the organization, and it will be lost because of an inane repurposing of funds dictated by an ancient bill. The bill is essentially a zero tolerance bill for homelessness, very similar to that of No Child Left Behind. This decision will leave many behind and help few.
In order to keep providing social services, housing and job training for our families in our homeless program, I am asking for your help. Please donate, spread the word and/or volunteer.
There is a face to homelessness here in Atlanta and we cannot ignore it. We must work together to help those in need and give them hope and the chance for a better life.